Yummy! Eat Up Y'all!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Why I'm doing this...

So, as of 6 weeks ago, I'm a Vegan. Yep, I know what you're thinking... "what DO you eat?" It's more like, what don't I eat. I'm eating more that I've probably ever eaten before, well if you leave out my three pregnancies... can't compete with a pregnant woman!

I keep getting questions from my friends/family:

1) Why are you a vegan? Is it a animal thing or a health thing?

Both actually.

FIRST, I don't like the idea of killing any animal for the specific purpose of Claire to eat it. I especially don't like the thought of this animal to be born/"raised" inhumanely from birth to slaughter for one (just one meal!). I also cringed at the way these animals are slaughtered; and don't fool yourself, they are slaughtered. It's not painless, and they do feel pain.

ALSO, it is a "health-thing". There are plenty of healthy alternatives to meat-proteins. It is absolutely un-true that you will be lacking in protein if you do not eat meat. You just have to eat the RIGHT plant-based foods to make up for the animal proteins you are missing.

AND lastly, it's a "green"-thing. You can have a huge impact on our planet by adopting a plant-based diet. There are 20 billion heads of livestock walking the earth (3x's the number of humans)... imagine the environmental impact if we spent natural resources on us instead of them? It's kind of crazy, if you think about it!

2) What do you actually eat?

Well, I eat a lot. A lot of variety and a lot of quantity. I'm trying new recipes and new foods all the time! If you know me, you know I like "projects"... if it's not one thing, it's another. So, my current project is my health, and my family's health. Cooking good things. I eat lentils, oats, quinoa, couscous, whole-grain rice, bread, pasta, all types of greens, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, squash, beans, etc. I could go on and on and on. AND I WILL. That's what this blog is about... ;)

3) How can you give up CHEESE? (my favorite question)

I thought this was going to be the hardest part! It's not that bad. When my friends/fam are eating cheese, I just substitute a yummy bean/hummus/veg dip with my crackers. And I loved cheese. Seriously. No, seriously. And to be completely honest, I have had cheese occassionaly. I'm no "perfect vegan". Although, I have not slipped up on the meat thing.

4) How long are you going to be a Vegan?

Who knows? Hopefully forever, but I'm not making any promises! I was a Vegetarian, although not an educated one, from age 13-21. So, I've never really loooooved meat. It's not hard for me to give up, and kind of creeps me out anyway.

5) If we go out to eat, do we have to go to a Vegan restaurant?

No, no, and no. I don't want to "annoy" or place my choices on anyone else. I'm not doing this to make anyone uncomfortable. It's just my personal choice... BUT, you should know that Vegan/Vegetarian restaurants are delish! AND, most restaurants have choices that are either vegetarian or can be altered by the chef, with usually no complaint. The one good thing for me, is that my family hardly ever eats out. Maybe once a week, so it's super easy for me to control what goes on my plate and my kids' plates.

So, this blog is to open a conversation with friends and family who have asked me these questions. I want to share recipes and new foods I've tried and get ideas from my other mommy friends and family too! I am just swimming through this experience like everyone else. It's all new to me! :)

1 comment:

  1. Good for you! And I'm glad you answered my question, "what are you going to eat when we go to Mesa Rosa???" ;) Wine and alcohol are vegan friendly, right? ;)
